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July 3rd, 2021 COVID Guidelines Update

Fr. Bryan

We have a couple of updates for you about COVID restrictions in light of new directives from the Archdiocese. One of these new directives is that you may now resume the practice of receiving communion directly on the tongue. If, however, you choose to receive on the tongue we ask that you try to go at the very end of communion (which has been the practice of many dioceses across the country and there have not been problems).

Another big update is that those who are vaccinated are free not to wear any type of face coverings. Those who are not vaccinated are still strongly encouraged to wear them for the protection of others.

I want to be clear, however, that we will not be verifying anyone's vaccine status and we will not be asking any parishioners who enter the Church unmasked to wear them. (I'm not saying this to encourage non-vaccinated people to come without face coverings. I'm saying it to make sure that anyone who is still squeamish about this knows the reality).

We are going to use the old fashioned, "honor system." This means, of course, that there could be some people who are not vaccinated who will not be wearing masks. Due to this we will still have sections available at all our parishes for anyone who wants to strictly social distance from anyone else.

In order to address any concerns, the Archbishop has not yet restored the Sunday Obligation to attend Mass and yes, we will continue to livestream. My hope, however, is that you will not let any of these realities deter you from attending Mass in person. It really is time for the vast majority of our parishioners to return to Mass, especially if you are out doing other things and gathering in crowds.

There are still many things to do... holy water, more singing, and more altar servers will be back, etc. These will be coming back soon, but we will have to keep waiting a bit. You've been incredibly patient and I'm grateful for you all.

Thank you all!

Fr. Bryan



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