Tuesday, March 4
6:00pm Reconquista Men's Lenten Group Intro Meeting - St. Rose
Ash Wednesday, March 5
8:30am Mass - St. Rose
12:00pm Mass - St. Joseph
12:15pm Mass - IHM
6:00pm Mass - St. Mary
6:00pm Word & Communion - St. Catherine
7:00pm Mass - St. Rose (Bilingual)
Fridays, March 7 - April 11
12:00pm Stations of the Cross - St. Joseph
1:00pm Stations of the Cross - IHM
2:30pm Stations of the Cross - St. Rose (cancelled March 14 and April 11)
5:00pm Stations of the Cross - St. Rose (Fr. Thompson is available to hear confessions during stations)
5:30pm Soup Supper - St. Mary
6:00pm Stations of the Cross - St. Catherine
6:30pm Stations of the Cross - St. Mary (Fr. Vinnerraj is available to hear confessions during stations)
6:30pm Stations of the Cross - St. Rose (Spanish)
Wednesdays, March 12, March 26, April 2, April 9
10:00am Be My Witnesses Challenge - St. Mary
Thursdays, March 13 - April 17
6:00pm Reconquista Men's Lenten Group - St. Rose
Monday, March 17
9:30am Retreat - St. Joseph (See below for more information)
Wednesday, March 19
10:00am Retreat - St. Mary (See below)
6:00pm Retreat - IHM (See below)
Thursday, March 20
3:00pm Retreat - St. Catherine (See below)
Wednesday, April 2
6:00 - 8:00pm Bilingual Penance Service - St. Rose
Holy Thursday, April 17
7:00pm Mass & Adoration - IHM
7:00pm Mass & Adoration - St. Rose (Bilingual)
Good Friday, April 18
11:30am Stations of the Cross - St. Rose
12:00pm Stations of the Cross - St. Joseph
3:00pm Stations of the Cross - IHM
3:00pm Stations of the Cross - St. Rose
3:30pm Divine Mercy Novena begins - IHM
3:30pm Divine Mercy Novena begins - St. Rose
5:00pm Stations of the Cross & Reflection - St. Catherine
5:00pm Stations of the Cross - St. Mary
5:30pm Soup Supper - St. Mary
5:30pm Stations of the Cross - St. Rose (Spanish)
7:00pm Service - St. Mary
7:00pm Service - St. Rose (Bilingual)
Holy Saturday, April 19
8:30pm Easter Vigil - St. Rose (Bilingual)
Easter Sunday, April 20
7:00am Mass - St. Catherine
8:30am Mass - St. Mary
9:00am Mass - St. Rose
10:00am Mass - St. Joseph
10:30am Mass - IHM
11:00am Mass - St. Rose
1:00pm Mass - St. Rose (Spanish)
Daily, April 19 - 25
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena - IHM
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena - St. Rose
April 26
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena - IHM
5:00pm Divine Mercy Novena - St. Rose
April 27
2:30pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour - St. Rose